CMB Editing

Losing Effie Paperback Book | Indie Book Author


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    Losing Effie and other Mississippi Stories, 1964-1968 includes eight short stories set in a time when dreams were big, evenings were magical, and friends were forever. It was written by a native of the Mississippi Gulf Coast.


    Missy Maxwell is from the Gulf Coast and except for a period of about 20 years spent in New York, has lived in Mississippi. She has had a colorful career, working as an actress with a children's theater company in the 70's, a producer of industrial entertainment in the 80's, and a theater teacher in the 90's. Most recently she worked for Mattel before moving back to Mississippi. She has two daughters: MacAllister, who teaches history at a local middle school; and Sarah, who lives in New York and made Missy a first time grandmother. Missy has a story for every occasion and after years of her friends telling her that she "ought to write that down," she finally started doing just that.


    Bookdragon Gift Shop partners with indie authors, publishers, and editors, such as CMB Editing. CMB Editing has edited and designed entertaining titles for all ages, including "Losing Effie." Grab a copy for you and your loved ones.